Don't hold your breath - it's only Stuart's Web Page.

Don't you just hate those personal web pages that exhibit for all to see the trivialities of some poor sucker's life, the irritating minutiae in which no one could possibly be interested? Not only that, but they're always labelled "under construction" and none of them ever gets even remotely finished, and all the links are always out of date too. Well, don't hold your breath, 'cos here's another one....

This page crawled from the primordial slime, gasping for breath and, let's face it, some interesting content in the early dawn of the 21st century. Has it, in the meantime, grown up to be a worthwhile member of Internet society and fulfilled it's early promise?
I really wouldn't bank on it.

Some sections I've started work on...

* Animation, including some of my own *

* Some pictures from my travels *

* Various odds and ends and silly things *

Some notes...

* To contact me, click on my name in the copyright message below (or on any of the sub-pages) *
* Note: my server-side mail filters are now ruthless, and will mercilessly drop any mail that doesn't get picked up by my whitelist - if you're not on it, your mail stands a good chance of disappearing without trace. You can blame shit-for-brains spammers for this.

* This site uses JavaScript - my apologies to those who don't have JS *